A time will come
"don't love it too much, coz you might end up hating it and also don't hate it too much, coz you might end up loving it..."
It means of love and hatred...
A time will come, when we realized, the person we consider our best friend, will only treat us as a friend. A time will come, when we suddenly discover, a special person to us, is only treating us as normal human being. And when these time comes, we will be crushed and maybe humiliated.
Nothing is worse, than being mistreated by them in front of hundreds of people. When it happens, no feeling of love, no feeling of hatred. Just an indescribable feeling. Only He knows.
Maybe I am just a doll that feels nothing and maybe I am just a stranger to talk with. I know that I am just an ordinary person and the most tedious person in the world. I will not improve neither change my personality because it is already hard to be yourself. Thank you for knowing you all this time.
ewah awe.. heheh:P
macam yg ade dalam quran dan hadith.. tapi semuanyer dah ditetapkan oleh Allah kan.. bile pk balik.. nape r susah2 nak bercouple sedangkan semuanye telah ditetapkan Allah... mgkin org yg kite sayang adalah org yg bukan menjadi teman hidup kite dan... mgkin org yg kite benci yg telah Allah pilih buat kite... ape2 pun, org kate hidup ni perlu ade "asam garam"..masing2 nak merasa asam garam sendiri.. kalau org nasihat pun takde nyer nak dgr.. bile dah ade pengalaman.. baru leh faham..
-sesetengah org la- tapi from my opinion, berdasarkan kate2 yg izham highlightkan ni " "don't love it too much, coz you might end up hating it and also don't hate it too much, coz you might end up loving it..."", kite kene sederhana dalam ape jua yg kite lakukan.. hanya Allah yg maha mengetahui segala-galanya..
wallahu a'lam~takde motif utk kaitkan dgn sesiape.. sekadar pandangan peribadi~maaf kalau tersalah kate~ =)
lagi satu.. bile bercakap pasal hati ni.. susah nak dijangka... hati kite tak same ngan hati org lain.. anggapan kite tentang hati org lain tak semestinyer betul sebab masing2 ade rahsia dalam hati =) so, takleh nak salahkan sesiape kalau anggapan die pada kite tak sama cam kite anggap die dalam hati kite.. sebab die pun mgkin tak tau ape anggapan yg ade dalam hati kite =) huhu sesuatu yg berbelit2.. sape yg faham, thanks =)
sebijik cam entry aku ni in term of isi.. bace kat sini
kawen terus la we..de 2org da mmber kte buat camtu..xyah susah2 nak berkapel ni..wat sakit ati je..
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