Unleashed the fury
Hurmm, my holiday is going to end up a week...so sad but not much because i have been in a tedious holiday since i am here in Jordan..going nowhere and just count on the day passed through...attended the compulsory meeting like a national day at embassy and meeting with MB Selangor and his delegation....the not-so-good advantages in this summer holiday, i am free to decide my schedule, to plan on my own without pressure...awakened at midnight till the next day, then slept at noon, playing games all the time, and no sense of worried about the exams..it made me happy...but i have to prepare my mind and the level of thinking before i begin my new semester...it seems a tough and a busy year for a non-practical medical student...i wish i could do it better than before...'No study no good marks'...studying is the key!!!
What did i spend my holiday for???errmm.....i spent my holiday for a few important things...like people said "urusan kerajaan"..haha...nope lah...I spent a night with my friends in Aqaba after a week we finished our exams, i satisfied with my tour because the activities were smooth as we planned it, then we came back to Irbid, after few days,the leader here proposed me to have a job as a bureau leader for the junior arrival programme but i refused because i don't want to waste my precious time in this holiday...Though, I don't want to accept the job, I'm willing to help. So, they gave me a job to drive JPA officer. Jadik driverlah plak aku. hehe. Malaysian Student Department gave me the car for my job purpose. The car brand was Cherry. A rare brand i have heard. Then, we met the JPA officer named Cik Mahirah at Irbid. Been accompanied Baez, we brought her to the ancient place named as Jerash. Once in history, the place was alive by Rome society. The decoration of the stones is beautiful and wonderful. But nowadays, the place is just like a dead city with an abandoned buildings, and the falling stones everywhere scattered on earth. Then, we went to Ajlun. Fortress of Ajlun. The place is located on a hill. It looks like the building purpose to control the hundred meters from being invade by enemy. Ermm...after that, our trip was limited at Amman and Irbid because baez and I had pass our job to others after 3 exhausted days with her. It's boring, ayte?? but i have lost a lot of money in this vacation especially in Aqaba. Yet claiming my money i had spend at Aqaba totally gave JOD 100. It's too much for a night. I have to be a careful person after this.
erm, i think i gonna stop here coz it is time to sleep, but before that i'm willing to wish my friends for their wedding. I'm sorry for not attending ur wedding ceremony because I'm far from there. To Imran dan isteri, if u read this, aku doakan 'Kesejahteraan dalam membina rumahtangga, jadilah nakhoda kapal yang berjaya sampai ke destinasi terakhir di mana di sana akan kekal selama2nya' and to Hafiz Khairuddin dan isteri, aku doakan 'Semoga bertambah generasi cendekiawan yang kuat agamanya dari keturunan hang yang anaknya mengikuti jejak ibu dan bapanya penghafaz al-Quran dan mahir dalam bidang perubatan' dan to Aiman Rosli serta isteri ' Semoga usahamu ini dapat diikutjejaknya untuk mengurangkan pembuat dosa di dunia ini dan moga bertambah amalan dan sahammu di akhirat kelak.' And to ketiga-tiga pasangan mempelai "Semoga ALLAH memberkati setiap jalan-jalan dan laluan yang kalian lalui. Hadapilah setiap cabaran dengan kesabaran dan ketenangan kelak ALLAH membuka jalan yang luas dan dilimpahi dengan kebahagiaan. Murah rezeki dan dikurniakan keturunan yang baik-baik..insya Allah..ameen..."..
And to all my family and friends, "Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak tahun1428....manfaatkanlah Ramadhan kali ini dan jangan lepaskan peluang untuk beribadah yang peluangnya hanyalah sebulan dalam setahun yang kita belum tahu mati dan hidupnya kita ini"...juga pesanan ini untuk diri sendiri...
p/s : sorry for my naive in English...this is my first entry in English by the way..maybe there's a lot of error but do correct me privately....